If it's pink and has anything to do with princesses then it's a go for Little Bug. She was so excited to read this book. God is Better than Princesses is a wonderful little book from Christian Focus Publications whose books "reflect our conviction that God's Word is reliable and Jesus is the way to know him, and live forever with him." I received a hardback copy of this 48-page book for ages 0 to 6. It is a nice quality book with sturdy semi-gloss pages and adorable illustrations. The author, Sarah Reju, is a pastor's wife and homeschooling mom of 5 kids.
Little Bug couldn't wait to get her hands on this book. It was such a good fit for her because of her adoration for princesses. It reminds her from A-Z that no matter what, God is Better than Princesses. Princesses may be wonderful, powerful, and rich, but God is still better than all of that. I like that the story gives 26 examples (26 letters of the alphabet) of how God is better than princesses by going through the alphabet. Each page has an event that encompasses a word that begins with whichever letter you are on and then follows up with a scripture reference.
Each page has a word (K for "kingdom in this example) that begins with the current letter of the alphabet and then a scripture to follow. |
The book is recommended for ages 0-5 for a read-to-me book, and ages 5-6 for a read-myself age. I think this is a perfect book for ages 2-8 and I don't really agree that it is rated for ages 5-6 as a read myself book. Little Bug just learned to read but not all children are reading by age 6. I actually think that is a little early to me. There are plenty of big words so it has definitely increased her vocabulary (which I of course like!). If you have a little one who loves all things "princess" then this would be perfect! It's also a good enough story that any child would enjoy it, princesses or not.
It's a fun story that does a good job at reminding her that through all the beauty, glory, status and power that we see in princesses, God is better than all of it. Books with a focus like this one for instilling God's word are always welcome in our home. The scriptures that are included on each page help to give her a good biblical foundation of how and why God is better. It helps to remind her that no matter what, God is who she should look to for all of her needs. It has been the perfect book to add to her nighttime storytime with her daddy before bed. Of course, we have also read it during the day since you just can't get enough of reading about princesses. She loves the Bible and the theme and story of the book delighted her. She really enjoys reading scripture and seeing it on every page helps to reinforce God's word in her life. The only thing I wish they had done differently was to capitalize the words "he," "his," and "him" when they refer to God.
God is Better than Princesses is a welcome addition to our library and we give it a thumbs up. The font is good and easily readable, the illustrations are adorable, and anything with sound scripture is a win in my book.

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