Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Blessings to Your Household

The winter days are dragging on.  It has been a very mild winter for us thus far and I am glad.  I don't like to super cold and it always makes me worry about the chickens more if the temps drop too low. Christmas has come and gone and New Years is just around the corner.  Our schedules have not seemed to slow down and Sam keeps me running with his 4H and Youth Group activities.

I do so enjoy quiet evenings by the fire and am always so grateful for our woodburning fireplace.  Our weather has been all over the place so it is often hard to plan things.  We still need to get so much done that didn't get done this fall.  I am still hoping for some mild weather to hopefully finish some of those projects.  We REALLY need to get the garden prepped but I know if not we will be fine.  It never got done till spring last year and we had a really nice garden this past year.  I am looking forward to an even better one this year.

I have so many dreams for what I need to be doing on this blog but never seem to have the time to bring things to fruition.  I sure hope to get things in order this upcoming year and make some necessary improvements.  I will continue to review homeschool products as I have decided to sign on to the Review Crew again.  It has blessed my family so much.  I would really like to provide more information specifically on what I have learned while chicken keeping and my research on essential oils and natural healing using herbs and oils.

Hoping your Christmas was blessed and praying for a prosperous new year for you.  Blessings to you and your family and may peace surround you.  I do realize that for some this is not such a wonderful time of the year due to losses so I lift up a prayer for you that joy may flood your heart despite your circumstances.

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